Somerset Call for Sites

Cedar Planning are expertly placed to help you maximise the value of your land.

Somerset Call for Sites

Somerset Council has announced that they will launched a Call for Sites consultation in the new year (2025). This is an important opportunity for landowners and developers to tell the Council about sites which may have the potential for development.

The Somerset Call for Sites is a 6-week period where interested landowners, developers and site promoters can submit land for consideration for future development.

Land can include housing, economic development, gypsy and traveller pitches and plots, and renewable energy installations.

Due to recent changes in national planning policy, the Somerset Local Plan will need to plan for a significantly higher housing requirement, which could mean greater opportunities for your site.

At Cedar Planning we use our in-depth knowledge of the local plan process to promote sites for our clients.

If you have land in Somerset, and are looking to maximise its value, contact us today to find out how we can help you.

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

Why Choose Cedar Planning?

At Cedar Planning we specalise in promoting sites through Local Plans, and use our expert knowledge of the process to help our clients navigate the process. Our client-first approach ensures that we provide honest and accurate advice to clients.

We can support your Somerset Call for Sites submission with a detailed report to the Council setting out the benefits of your proposal and why it should be allocated in the emerging Local Plan.

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