What to Do If Your Planning Permission Has Been Refused

It can be frustrating when your application has been refused, especially if you have a strong case. At Cedar Planning, we have vast experience of successfully appealing planning refusals.

2/3/20242 min read

person writing bucket list on book
person writing bucket list on book

So, you've applied for planning permission and unfortunately, it has been refused. It can be disheartening to receive this news, especially if you had high hopes for your project. However, all hope is not lost.

You have the option to appeal the decision. This involves submitting an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate, who are independent from the Council. The appeal process can be complex and time-consuming, but with the guidance of our expert planning consultants, we can navigate it effectively for you.

Our planning consultants will help you prepare a strong appeal, ensuring that all necessary documentation and arguments are included. They will represent your interests throughout the process, increasing your chances of success.

There are several steps you can take to address the situation and increase your chances of a successful outcome.

1. Understand the Reasons for Refusal

The first step is to thoroughly understand the reasons why your planning permission was refused. The refusal notice should outline the specific grounds for the decision, and the accompanying officer's report or committee report gives further explanation. Take the time to carefully read through the notice and make note of any concerns or objections raised by the planning authority.

2. Seek Professional Advice

It can be beneficial to seek the advice of a professional planning consultant who has experience dealing with planning refusals. They can review your case, assess the reasons for refusal, and provide expert guidance on the best way forward. A planning consultant will thoroughly research your case and put forward your strongest arguments, increasing your chances of success.

At our consultancy firm, we have a team of experienced planning consultants who are dedicated to helping clients navigate the planning process. We will assess your case and provide an honest evaluation of your chances of success. If we believe that your chances are low, we will let you know upfront, saving you time and effort.

3. Review and Potentially Revise Your Plans

If we believe that your chances of success are low, we will let you know. In some circumstances, a revised scheme is a more appropriate strategy, and we will advise if this is the case. The Council's decision notice and officer report will often give clues as to what the Council would be willing to accept next time.

4. Gather Additional Supporting Information

In some cases, providing additional supporting information can help strengthen your case. This may include expert reports, surveys, or other evidence that supports the viability and benefits of your project. A planning consultant can assist you in gathering the necessary information and presenting it in a compelling manner.


Receiving a refusal for your planning permission can be disheartening, but it doesn't mean the end of your project. By understanding the reasons for refusal, seeking professional advice, reviewing and revising your plans, gathering additional supporting information, considering mediation or negotiation, and appealing the decision if necessary, you can increase your chances of a successful outcome.

At Cedar Planning, we have a team of experienced planning consultants who are dedicated to helping clients in situations like yours. We will thoroughly research your case, provide expert guidance, and advocate for your best interests. Contact us today to discuss your planning permission refusal and explore your options.